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Why Do I Have to Wipe Again

If you have to wipe so much later on yous poop, the most likely reason for this is your stool consistency.

In particular, loose stools that are on the pastier side tend to smear quite a bit. This is the worst kind of poop to clean up after.

Information technology is rather soft and will smear all over your bum AS you wipe it, leaving you with that feeling of having to wipe over and over again only to get it clean.

Past the time y'all're done, you'd have wasted so much time and toilet newspaper already.

But, y'all're non merely wasting time and toilet paper, wiping so much can also leave you feeling itchy, irritated, and uncomfortable by the time you experience clean enough to go out of the bath.

When this happens, it can exist such an uncomfortable situation. Merely just remember that you're not lone.

I for 1 have experienced this countless times before and then I know a thing or two most what causes it and how to prevent it from happening.

Let me share with you my noesis most this in more detail as we go through the commodity.

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Why You Have to Wipe So Much After Pooping

As I've previously mentioned above, the main reason for this is your stool consistency. If you have loose stools that are on the pastier side that tends to smear, then this is what'southward causing your trouble.

Only yous may ask, what causes your stool to exist at this consistency in the first place?

Well, the consistency of one's poop tin can vary quite a bit from one bowel movement to some other. And the characteristic texture of poop can differ between people as well.

But, stool consistency largely depends on your diet. If you have enough fiber and water intake, so your stool is more likely to accept a firm consistency. On the other mitt, if you lot accept depression fiber and water intake, your poop volition be quite loose and "runny".

When your poop is similar this, it's quite a bit messier to clean up as information technology's soft and tends to smear all over your bum when y'all wipe it. As a result, you feel like no matter how many times you wipe, there ever seems to be some rest poop left.

Wiping feels endless, and before y'all know information technology, yous've wasted twenty minutes of your time trying to get your bum clean, and you've used up 1 full roll of toilet newspaper.

How to Forbid Wiping So Much After You Poop

If you constantly struggle with this situation of having to wipe so much after pooping, then no doubt you would be looking for a solution on how to foreclose it.

Fortunately for y'all, I have three very helpful tips that can help yous solve this problem:

  1. Increase your cobweb and water intake
  2. Use moisture wipes
  3. Get a bidet to rinse the poop off

Let's discuss each of these in more than detail below. Try some or all of these tips to meet which i works for you lot.

Increment your fiber and water intake

As I mentioned above, your diet is probably contributing a lot to your poop-wiping problems. If you lack fiber and h2o intake, so your poop volition virtually probable be very loose and hard to clean upwardly.

If you want to improve the consistency of your poop, so you take to increase your intake of these ii. They will help pack your poop upward into a more solid mass and get in easier to pass.

Since the poop exits from your barrel much more than cleanly with a fiber-rich diet and enough water intake, in that location would too be less mess to clean up with toilet newspaper, thereby preventing that feeling of wiping so much after pooping.

If you want to increase your cobweb intake, then brand certain you lot're eating more than fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods. In general, information technology'due south best to go your nutrition, including cobweb, from food. But if your fiber intake is depression, you might also consider taking a fiber supplement as well.

I'm not a medical proficient so if you want to acquire more than about how to increase your fiber intake, Healthline has quite a good commodity almost it.

Use wet wipes

Instead of only using dry toilet paper, you should consider using wet wipes get-go so employ toilet paper after, especially the unscented ones so that your pare won't get irritated.

After pooping, practice one to two passes using dry toilet newspaper, and so go some wet wipes and use them to further make clean your butt. The skilful thing about wet wipes is they take much better cleansing properties than normal toilet paper.

Near wipes are made of not-woven fabric like those used in dryer sheets, which are then saturated with a solution of water and gentle cleansing agents such as isopropyl alcohol.

Using wet wipes will be much more than effective in cleaning off all the poop from your butt, therefore solving the problem of having to wipe then much later on pooping.

Just ane last note: if y'all do determine to use wet wipes, do not affluent them down the toilet as they can clog plumbing.

Alternatively, you could likewise purchase flushable moisture wipes instead such as the DUDE Wipes Flushable Wipes. This style, you lot would be reducing your toilet newspaper usage, while also helping the environment at the same time.

Get a bidet to rinse the poop off

An even better alternative to wet wipes is to just get a bidet.

The all-time manner to prevent wiping so much after pooping is to use a bidet to rinse off all the poop from your bum.

The gentle stream of water from a bidet will thoroughly cleanse your rectum without using upward toilet paper and better yet, without any irritation. It is simply the cleanest, healthiest, and nearly hygienic manner to rinse off poop.

Think most it. We already apply h2o to clean everything. It surely wouldn't be a crazy idea to employ it to clean your poop correct? Think nearly it.

If for some reason, we got poop on our hands, arms, or legs, we would probably utilize some water and soap to make clean information technology and become rid of the aroma. Nosotros wouldn't feel make clean enough just using toilet newspaper to wipe it off, right?

By using a bidet, you would probably eliminate more than than 90% of your toilet newspaper usage, simply because your butt volition already exist clean after rinsing it with water.

You lot won't need to wipe your barrel subsequently pooping if information technology's already clean with the water from the bidet.

Yous just need the toilet newspaper to dry off your butt. Or alternatively, you could just wait a couple of minutes in the bathroom and allow it air-dry instead of using toilet paper.

I recently discovered the Tushy Classic iii.0 Bidet Toilet Seat Zipper, which I call back is a quick and affordable way to rinse off all the poop from your butt.

Information technology hands attaches to whatever standard toilet in under x minutes, then this is definitely a good pick, especially for a first-time bidet user.


Going back to the original question: Why do I have to wipe then much subsequently pooping?

The short respond is it's because of your stool consistency. If you accept loose tools, peculiarly ones that are on the pastier side that smear quite a chip, then this is what's causing your problem.

Poop with this consistency can be quite hard to clean up later on as information technology tends to smear all over your bum as you're wiping information technology, leaving you with that feeling of having to wipe over and over over again just to get it clean.

By the time you're done, y'all'd have wasted so much time and toilet newspaper already.

If you lot want to solve this problem, and so I would recommend you to do three things:

  1. Increase your fiber and water intake
  2. Use wet wipes
  3. Get a bidet to rinse the poop off

Hopefully at to the lowest degree one of these tips help solve your problem so that y'all'll never encounter that feeling of having to wipe and then much after pooping.

Withal, if none of them work, then it'due south probably best to seek professional person help from a doctor.

There may exist an underlying medical cause, and treatment can assist yous feel cleaner, more comfortable, and prevent you from wiping and then much afterwards you lot poop.


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